Friday, June 12, 2020

Series Report: H3RO by J.S. Lee

I read this series for #AsianReadathon and OMG! Five stars across the board! I did not see that coming at all. I know absolutely nothing about K-Pop and I'd never read a "Reverse Harem" Romance before, so I was going in with really no expectations. I was immediately hooked!

This is all about Holly, a Korean-American, whose father has just reappeared in her life and wants her to work for him at Atlantis Entertainment in Seoul. Holly doesn't know the first thing about managing a boyband and wasn't that familiar with K-Pop either. But then she meets her six guys. They're super hot and all hers! From there she has to get them a #1 single and not get caught in a dating scandal that could end their careers.

Of course, the romance is a huge part of this series but it's not all these books have going for them. It's also about Holly's strained relationship with her father and half-brother. Each of the members of H3RO also have their own things going on and then there's working on their new album and music video, but it's never too much. I think there's just the right amount of each element to keep the story flowing and engaging.

It was fun, sexy, and dramatic! Yes, Holly has sex with all six members, but there's no multi-somes. Just one on one with each guy. Unlike the spinoff series...

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