Sunday, August 23, 2020

Sunday Post #13: It's wildfire season...


My state is on fire, just like every year around this time. But this time it started with LIGHTNING! 100+ degree weather, plus lightning, plus wind, is not a good combination. We've been stuck indoors because it's just smoke and ash out there.

 Last week was also #BoutOfBooks! Well, today is the last day, but it's been fun. I'll finish my sixth book today, which is one short of my goal. That's okay though, since I also completed a beta read and did some studying.

New Books

From Overdrive Library:

From the Library:

That's it!


  1. Oh No! Stay Safe! I can't believe it was lightning that did it. I thought I heard the news wrong. I am like 2020 needs to just stop.

    1. Yep, it was lightning. Poor Fiona hid under my bed during the storm, because it was LOUD! 2020 is insane...
