Friday, July 31, 2020

Review: Ill Wind (Weather Warden, #1) by Rachel Caine.

Ill Wind is another book that's been sitting on my TBR for nearly a decade, and I probably would have enjoyed it more back then. I still enjoyed it, especially at the end, but it feels dated and I've certainly read better Urban Fantasy. This one is unique though in that it does lean heavily on meteorology. And I am a sucker for combining Science with the Paranormal.

Joanne is a weather warden. She controls air and water, which essentially means that she controls the weather. Other wardens can control earth or fire. When we meet Joanne she's being chased by a storm and we have no idea why. She's looking for some guy named Lewis and again, we don't know why. In fact, we don't find out anything in regards to the plot until about 2/3 in. Which is only three chapters, since they're all 70+ pages each.

The majority of this book is flashbacks and most of them aren't even relevant to what's happening now. We get Joanne's dating history from her first kiss to losing her virginity. We're told all about her parents' divorce, her mom's new man, and a trip to Disney World. Yet, we still don't know why Joanne is running, why she killed a man, and why she thinks this other man can save her.

The plot does deal with an interesting twist on demon possession. I liked that a lot, once it was actually discussed. There's also Djinn which are pretty interesting, and they're actually the only reason I'm interested in reading the next book. I think now that all of the world set up is out of the way, and we know Jo, the sequel should actually focus on plot. At least, I hope so.

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